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-sS <ip addr>		TCP scan (ex
-sU <ip addr>		UDP scan
-A			enable OS, version, script scanning, and traceroute
-PN			treat all hosts as online
-F			fast mode
--exclude <host,host>	exclude hosts
-sL			simply list targets
-O			detect OS
--traceroute		trace hop path
-sV			scan for service version info
-p <port ranges>	only scan specified ports
-oN <file>		normal output to file
--open			only show open ports

-f			fragment packets
-D <decoy,decoy,..>	use decoys 	ME(put after 6th position)
					RND:<#>(to make random # host})
					decoy hosts should be up!
-S <ip addr>		spoof source address
--spoof-mac <mac>	spoof mac address
-e <iface>		use specified interface
-g <port #>		use port #
--data-length <#>	append random data to packets
--randomize-hosts	randomize hosts that are being scanned
--badsum		send packets with bogus checksum