Gameboy Power Supply
A friend of mine gave me an old Nintendo Gameboy that wasn't working. After discovering that it wasn't worth fixing, I turned it into a portable battery power supply that can provide up to 5.7V to power various small projects, and regulated 5V USB power to charge mobile devices. It was a very simple build that took only a couple hours.
Project Log
I would have saved the Gameboy if I could have, but it was very corroded. Even though most of the corrosion was on this copper plate, it seemed most of the ICs were dead. It wasn't worth the effort.
The design is simple: There is a 5V charging circuit from a cheap portable charger, some binding posts, a 100ohm resistor, the original LED, and the original toggle switch from the Gameboy. The screen and the buttons were glued in just for looks.
You might have noticed that the USB charger is only running on two of the batteries. That's because it was only designed to run on two batteries. I probably could have worked out a better way to utilize all four batteries for the USB charger, but I didn't need to. This thing isn't going to get a lot of use; I built it out of boredom, mostly.
I'm happy with how this thing turned out.